Being self-confident is one thing, but according to research compiled by io9, you actually really believe you are better than everyone else. From your job to your do-gooder ways, you get everything done like a boss. Now, before you start saying "not me," allow us to enlighten you with a few fun facts.
For starters, io9 reports that roughly a third of workers at a software company thought they were better than 19 out of 20 of their fellow workers. Even folks in other professions felt they did better work than a majority of their coworkers, even if they didn't feel as though they were the "top dog" at the company. But, according to io9, this superiority complex isn't something we learned. In fact, we believe we were born perfect — from our hard work ethic to our intellectual curiosity to our hearts of gold. Everyone else? Well, they are just impostors who are trying to be like us.
According to the findings by io9, it's the "illusion of asymmetric insight" that keeps us in this crazy cycle. In other words, we see things in others that we can't see in ourselves. We say, it sounds as though everyone could use a humility pill every now and again — but that's just our opinion. (io9)