President Obama On The Ladies In His Life: They’re Opinionated

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Between Michelle Obama's killer guns and Sasha and Malia's chic style (from Mama, not doubt), we've certainly developed a liking for the president's ladies. And, while there's no doubt that the foursome's public display of affection is true, the prez told
magazine in a recent interview that the women in his life are also "opinionated, tall, and strong." Well, we could have guessed that — but can we add funny? The first lady was on Saturday Night Live, after all.

Oh, but wait. There's more. President Obama also talked about something that may be even more sensitive than family matters — the launch of, which he admitted to having personal frustrations with log-in issues. But, even with the weight of the world on his shoulders, Obama still has time to get Vine and Instagram lessons from his daughters and give's Malia's pals a Q&A sesh about school and hobbies. Guess that comes with the territory when you're friends with someone who lives in the White House. (People)

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