Lil Bub Has The Best Holiday Video EVER

There are many things that qualify as cute this time of the year (your new holiday frock included). But, nothing — absolutely nothing — is as adorbs as Lil Bub's holiday video. The cat with over 560,000 Facebook likes has wowed us again. Even though Bub is simply sitting by a roaring fire, she still manages to tug at your heartstrings — especially since the fabulous feline was born with several health issues like a short lower jaw (hence the constant tongue action she gives). Included in the video is, as her owner says, "a one hour loop of Bub in front of a fireplace, complete with purring, squeaks, and squonks." Just put on your headphones and let Bub bring the squees.

But, don't feel too sorry for this "perma-kitten." Not only is Lil Bub getting the proper care she needs, the documentary (yes, a documentary) Lil Bub & Friendz won the Tribeca Online Festival Best Feature Film this year. Not too many cats can say they have that under their, um, collars.
So, put that holiday shopping on paws and get ready to say "awww!" Christmas came early this year.

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