We know what you're thinking: Sometimes just looking at some of these athletes can kick our libido into gear (we're looking at you, Tom Brady). But, a new study from the British Medical Journal examined the 16% spike in births after a Spanish team's victory a few years ago.
It all began with a major 2009 win for the Football Club Barcelona (Barça) against Chelsea FC. Nine months later, the media reported a 45% increase in local births. Interested in the increase, researchers analyzed the birth data from two key Catalonia hospitals from February 2010, or nine months after Andrés Iniesta's game-winning goal. They took this information and compared it to a control period of 60 months: January 2007 through December 2011. The result? Significantly more births in February 2010 than any other February in the control group. And, there was an 11% increase in births that March.