It seems all anyone is talking about is the polar vortex. And, while frostbite is no laughing matter, there are still plenty of folks making light of the situation. TrèsSugar even rounded up a few hilarious tweets from the latest hashtag sensation, #polarvortexpickuplines. Yep, it appears that cabin fever is making folks get all worked up over these chilly conditions. Case meets point in this gem of a tweet: "Want to see the tip of my iceberg?"
While it seems about as juvenile as the kid making armpit noises in the back of the classroom, lines like "Who wants to touch a vagicicle?" are coming from adults across the nation. But, heck, we'll take the folks sending humorous tweets over those starting a parking spot brawl any day. After all, when life gives you snow, you have to throw a snowball or two. Click here to see the rest of the tweets. You never know, they may inspire you to come up with a whimsical line of your own. (TrèsSugar)