With a killer wardrobe, amazing dream job, and front-row access at Fashion Week, Tavi Gevinson is the girl that folks love to hate but still adore. After all, it seems as though the 17-year-old has it all — except a lot of dough. Styleite picked up on an interview with Gevinson and the Los Angeles Times where the bright, young talent admitted she only brings in $25 a week. And, no, it's not from Rookie. It's her allowance from her parents. “She attends the local public high school and recently got an allowance increase,” the Times stated. “She doesn’t yet earn a salary from Rookie — though that may change soon, as the site becomes more profitable — and speaking engagement fees go into her savings."
But, even if Gevinson isn't raking in any serious cash yet, Rookie receives an average of four million page views per month and boasts a staff of 80. Yes, that may even be larger than your office. So, while we look forward to the day when this pint-sized go-getter hits the big time, for now, we'll continue to enjoy following her already awesome life — both with and without a bitch face. (Styleite)