Some things in life come easier to celebrities. Getting access to the newest designer duds, say, or skipping the wait at trendy restaurants. But, there are other parts of life that are just as complex, confusing, and stressful for A-listers as they are for us regular folk.
Take Valentine's Day. We never quite know how to feel about this darn holiday. If we're in a relationship, we're nervous to get our expectations too high, and if we're single, it's hard to steer clear of the clichéd "single ladies nights."
So, we did some digging to find out what some of our favorite celebs are up to this year — and, what their memorable V-Day stories are. To our delight, most of them had been through as many traumatically embarrassing holidays as the rest of us. Most importantly, they were all more than good-natured about this confusing time of year — well, almost all (Zac Efron, we're looking at you!).