It seems like every day we're hearing about something we should or shouldn't be eating. And, of course, because we want to live a long and healthy life, we listen — well, most of the time. But, while new nosh trends come and go, AlterNet reported on seven tried-and-true foods that were once deemed as bad for your health, but are now considered nutritional powerhouses. (Hint: Pour yourself a cup of Joe, stat!)
Considering we'd rather be told what we can eat rather than what we cannot, it's good news that yummy nibbles like popcorn are making a comeback. The fluffy puffs used to be considered junk food until nutritionists decided to promote popcorn's whole grain and high-nutrient factor. Of course, movie theater and microwave corns with a high fat content (and that scary "butter" that stains your fingers) doesn't count in this case.
If you're an avid egg white orderer, here's some good news: Eggs aren't cholesterol devils in disguise after all. According to AlterNet, scientists recently discovered that eggs actually don't contribute to heart disease or strokes in healthy people. In fact, they actually raise our good HDL cholesterol numbers, not to mention they are chock-full of protein, antioxidants, and iron. Who wants an omelet? Just be sure to stick to organic versus eggs from antibiotic-laden hens. Hungry for more? Check out the full list of bad-turned-good foods here. (AlterNet)