Those days of sweating through the SATs may seem like a lifetime ago, yet Jezebel reports that your scores may actually affect your hiring potential today. Yes, really. Everyone from college grads to seasoned candidates with senior experience are being requested to dig up their scores by companies like McKinsey & Co. and Goldman Sachs. And, by seasoned, we mean people in their forties and fifties who have already proven they can carry their weight in the workforce.
We don't know about you, but we feel as though we've come a long way from our high school days, so is it really fair to hold this ancient score against us so many years later? After all, it got us into college, right? And, let's not forget about those of us who had killer GPAs, but were simply not good test takers.
While Jezebel points out that The Wall Street Journal said SATs are "easy — if imperfect— metrics for hiring managers to understand," Kevin Monahan, a career-services dean at Carnegie Mellon University echoes what most of us are probably thinking: "It is a little confounding how a test somebody took when they were 17 predicts success in a competitive workplace when they're 22." How about doubling the confusion if you're about to celebrate the big 5-0. While it's uncertain whether more employers will start requiring SAT scores on applications, it's not as though you can turn back the clock and make that 400 an 800. So, looks like you'll have to polish up your résumé the old-fashioned way. (Jezebel)