If Email Had A Typographic Makeover…

2_NateSilver02_019_WinnieAuPhotographed by Winnie Au.
You probably receive a bevy of emails on the daily. But, be honest: How many of your emails are you really reading — or even responding to — because you feel so overwhelmed? According to a report by Fast Company, if your messages were easier or more appealing to read, you might find it easier to mange your box. The fix? Typography.
According to 1910 Design and Communication, readability is the key email management tool. "We believe that email is about two things. Reading and writing, states 1910 on its blog. "And, that focusing on these two is what would truly move email to where it deserves to be." The Swedish design company's vision is to transform the email text so it resembles that of a standard textbook — roughly 12 words per line. Next, additional bells and whistles like reply/send buttons and navigation windows would be placed in areas that are not distracting to the user, so that the copy is always the main attraction. While we're all ears (and eyes) when it comes to tips for getting organized, we're not completely convinced more aesthetically pleasing emails will make it any easier for us to manage our ever-growing box — daily deals included. (Fast Company)

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