If music is supposed to make us feel uplifted and energized, the subject matter over the past 50 years proves otherwise. The Frisky picked up a tidbit of research from North Carolina State University that unveiled 12 primary themes from 1960 to 2009. For consistency, the songs were all in the number one slot on the Billboard "Hot 100" list. Now, the technical part. Using a computer program, the researchers ran a "textual analysis" of the lyrics to come up with their definitive list.
It may not be a surprise that "loss" took the numero uno slot ("Heatbreak Hotel," anyone?), followed by desire, and aspiration in second and third place. What can we say? People like to wallow in their sorrows when the going gets tough — maybe, because it makes us feel like we're not alone. So much for today being National Happiness Day. Check out more of the list here. (The Frisky)