The Royal Family Visits The Zoo, Adorable Photo Shoot Ensues

When you're Will and Kate, your entire life is a photo opp. And, we mean that both figuratively and literally. They're totally photogenic and look like the picture-perfect family — but, there's also a photographer following them around seemingly everywhere they go. Some captured moments are endearingly mundane: Will helps Kate out of a car, Kate struggles with an umbrella in the rain, Will and Kate attend their 1,000th charity event. Yet others are truly a sight to be seen, and give Royal-obsessed writers like us endless fodder.
Take, for example, the Royal Family's recent visit to the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Will, Kate, and sometimes even little George got face-to-face with tons of Australia's cutest — and most bizarre — animals. And, as you can imagine, the pictures are hilarious and precious. We picked out our favorite critter-filled family photos for your enjoyment, since we know you're looking for an excuse to click away from that Excel spreadsheet.

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