Now that the Kardashian clan has (somewhat) toned down its media onslaught, the world needs a new family with which to keep up. But, in order to fully latch on to America and convince the country to invest hours of valuable life-hours following one special family, three b's must exist: big, bold, and beautiful.
Thanks to Miley Cyrus' shameless sharing on social media, it appears that this family has been found.
The "We Can't Stop" singer introduced the world to yet another of one of her five siblings, and he's pretty, well...pretty. Braison Cyrus is a model and film student taking time off from the business of being ridiculously good-looking to hop on tour with his older sister. Together, they've been romping around Monte Carlo and Norway, snapping pics, and humbly bragging about how awesome it is to be Cyruses (Cyrii?).
But, like, where has Braison been hiding all this time? Why is he only now making his debut on Miley's Instagram? Was he created in a lab? What is his Braison d'être, as it were?
There's this weird feeling that washes over you when you discover a super-famous person has an equally adorable sibling (we're lookin' at you Sofia Richie). It's not shock, but it's not quite dumbfounding, either. Perhaps watching a few episodes of a needs-to-happen-now reality show called Catching Up With The Cyrus Crew would aid in naming this unique feeling. (Then again, maybe some language already has a word for it.) Until then, all we have are these Instas. Double-tap away!