Kesha and beards go together like chocolate and mint. Hell, half of her song repertoire seem to reference the good ol' man scruff. And, no surprise, her new boyfriend has a robust one.
In a recent interview with Ryan Secreast, the "Tik ToK" singer gushed about her love for Brad Ashenfelter, a bearded writer from New Jersey. "He's really, a really sweet human being," she told Secreast. "I’m very happy to have him in my life…That’s way too much information for America to know, but, I’m really happy with my beard." Sources close to Us Weekly report that Bradsha (the couple nickname Kesha is most fond of) have been seeing each other for a while now. They revealed that Ashenfelter visited the singer while she sought treatment for an eating disorder in the beginning of the year, too. "She's done and done the party scene," another source told Us. "Those days of crazy whiskey tears are over. Ashenfelter keeps her healthy and happy."
While her days of brushing her teeth with Jack Daniels might be long gone (she hammered the final nail in that coffin when she dropped the dollar sign from her name), the men's facial-hair trend is here to stay. "I like guys who look like they don’t groom themselves," she added. "I'm not into guys who are very high-maintenance. I don’t want them to take longer to get ready than me." Just as long as that beard stays clean. No one wants scruff that's full of secrets. (Us Weekly)