Chill Out, Y’all! Summer’s Insomniac Playlist Has Arrived

In the myriad of music festivals that crop up over the summer months, few are as uniquely New York as Full Moon Fest. Taking a cue from its Thailand origins, the NYC Full Moon Fest (tickets available here) has one foot planted in the nostalgia that pumps through this city, and the other in the sleepless-progressive vibe that keeps it going 24/7.
Come August 8, the beach at Governor's Island will come alive with the kind of dance music that won't give you a headache (promise!). You know: disco, chillwave, Afro-Punk, some kind of fusion of it all. Vibes, folks. That's the tip Full Moon has been and will continue to be on. And, to get pumped for the afternoon and night underneath that glowing rock in the sky, one of its mainstay artists, Penguin Prison's Chris Glover, has created a playlist made for those insomniac nights.
Hot off the release of his summer jam with Viceroy, Glover's mix is your primer for Full Moon. Study up, get up, and get down. See you on the beach.

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