Anyone who has spent time at the Rockaways (or any crowded beach) will tell you: The world is full of bad tattoos. Humans everywhere are emblazoned with poorly planned ink, cliché-riddled affirmations, and badly translated kanji — including celebrities. (And, this writer. Full disclosure: I have over 20 tattoos, and one is definitely a lower-back tribal piece. Yeah, I can't do anything at this point except own it.) Plenty of familiar names have polite and pleasant flowers on the ankle or butterflies on the hip (we can name three stars who have "breathe" somewhere on their person). But, every now and then, a star gets something truly beautiful, one that seems like a well thought-out decision instead of an impulse. Here are 11 famous tattoos that really are quite beautiful.
(For the purpose of this story, we only stuck to aesthetics. Tattoos with wonderful stories or meanings that aren't exactly breathtaking are great — like Miley's equal sign — but another topic entirely.)