Dump out your bucket bags, stargazers. This Monday’s quarter moon in keep-it-simple Taurus wants us to lighten our loads. Scale back to the basics, deploy the life hacks, and lean a little closer to the minimalist end of the spectrum. Quarter moons are about balance, though. If you’ve gotten a wee bit too normcore for your own good, weave a few FKA twigs-approved accents back into your style scheme. And, don’t forget: One luxe accessory can make the outfit. On Tuesday, Cupid makes an early arrival as romance planet Venus joins sex god Mars in Pisces, the sign of fantasy, until February 19. Their combined powers brew up an intoxicating love potion. Boundaries blur beguilingly, but we also run the risk of ignoring red flags — especially this weekend, when Neptune joins the party. Our advice: Run the background checks before tweeting that you’ve just met The One.