20 Surprising Celebrity Godparents

UPDATE: With the exciting news of Taylor Swift becoming a godmother to Jaime King's baby, we've got celebrity godparents on our mind. Ahead, 20 surprising celeb pairings.
This story was originally published on July 2, 2014:
Imagine if your yearly Thanksgiving gathering included the usual cast of characters — plus Bono. At every awkward question about your love life, he'd swoop in and say, "There's a difference between cosying up to power and being close to power." No one will understand what this means, since it has nothing to do with your romantic life. But, it won't matter, because Bono is your godfather, and he can say things like this in your defense without question.
At least, that's what we imagine having a famous godparent is like. Everyone interprets the responsibilities and nuances of the godparent/child relationship differently. Sometimes, there's not even a religious ceremony involved — it's more of an honorary title. But, parents choose this person to be a role model, someone who can teach their kids things they can't (or won't) learn at home. So, you better believe celebrities would put some thought into who they choose for this important role. Some of these are fairly random, but we think you'll agree that they're all quite fitting. Also, one of them is Bono.

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