You know the drill. Your friend gets engaged, and a few months later, you find yourself sipping some sort of Prosecco/hibiscus-tea cocktail and politely raising your eyebrows in wonder every time she opens a present. (Unless, of course, you're Kristen Wiig, in which case you lose your shit and take it out on a giant cookie.) But have you ever heard of a bridal shower for guys?
Not to be confused with a bachelor party, these male-centric events are apparently on the rise. BuzzFeed has coined the term "bro-dal shower" to describe the would-be trend, declaring it the next big thing in weddings. To help shed light on what, exactly, a bro-dal shower entails, BuzzFeed organized the parties for two betrothed male staffers, and shared the details (and pics) with us.
BuzzFeed senior lifestyle editor Rachel Wilkerson Miller told us in an email:
More and more guys are deciding against the traditional bachelor party with a stripper and Vegas, and looking for a more laid-back way to celebrate with their friends. And, when guys marry other guys, their loved ones often still want to throw them some sort of a party to show their support for the couple. (To those who think it's the same as a bachelor party, well...the older family members who are typically the most pro-shower may not want to participate in a night that is often centered around peen straws and sex talk.)
In other words, at least it's a good excuse to round up your friends and relatives for a few beers (or themed cocktails, if you prefer), which sounds okay to us. Click through to see pics from both of BuzzFeed's bro-dal showers for yourself, and tell us what you think about the new trend in the comments. (BuzzFeed)