30 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood’s Top Leading Ladies

You can blame it on Twitter or our short attention spans, but unless they're giving an Oscar speech, writing a book like Tiny, Amy, or Mindy, or they happen to be J.K. Rowling, celebrities just don't seem to be as eloquent as they used to be. Don't they know we're in desperate need of guidance and inspiration? Sorry, but a selfie just won't cut it.
So, we're turning to the wise, often wry words of our favorite classic film stars. From Marilyn Monroe and Mae West to the two Hepburns, these leading ladies had plenty of timeless lessons to share. Life certainly wasn't always rosy, but these gals had grace, strength, and gumption. Surely there's something to be gleaned from their sage teachings?
Read on for memorable quotes from Old Hollywood's finest actresses. Warning: This advice is best consumed with a stiff martini and a string of pearls.


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