24 Moments When Kanye Was Actually Having A Really Great Time

In October 2014, Kanye made a rare appearance on Twitter to discuss why he's hardly ever seen smiling. "Not smiling makes me smile," he wrote.
He's not kidding, though. Not smiling is basically Kanye's brand at this point. (Remember that time he actually stopped laughing when he realized there was a camera on him?) And, it's not like he's a
Debbie Downer who insists on moping around the place. He's just a very serious person doing serious art in a world full of jerks who don't realize his importance.
But, sometimes Mr. West just can't help himself. Sometimes, life is just too dang good. In those moments, he lets his guard down, flashes those pearly whites, and enjoys the moment despite himself. He's only human, regardless of his own lyrical claims that he's a god.
Ahead, our favorite examples of when Kanye was actually having a great time.


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