The Only 5 Emmy Awards GIFs You Need To See

The best part of every awards show has arrived. Well, besides the after-party. Although for a lot of us (and we're sure Amy Schumer would agree), the actual best part of any fancy event is the part of the night when you get to take off your heels and whatever constrictive garment you have on underneath your dress, put on sweats, and drink about a gallon of water as you eat some honey wheat pretzels. That's by far the highlight of any night, really.
Maybe we'll call these GIFs the best part of the night for those of us who did not actually get to attend the Emmy Awards and any subsequent parties. The live broadcast was fun to watch, yes. Still, the best part of any show is the reaction shots, expressions, and outburts that can be turned into looped images that we'll be sharing on the internet ad infinitum.
To paraphrase an old beloved peanut brand slogan, choosy awards-show viewers choose GIFs. Here are the five best ones from the 2015 Emmys.

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