Pausing to reflect on the most newsworthy U.S. events of 2015 was an interesting exercise. First, we made a list: What did we write about the most? How many mobile alerts did we get about the pope? How many times did we sit down to discuss the Baltimore riots? Then, we tried to whittle that list down. We asked ourselves not only about the events that spent the most time in the headlines, but also about the moments in this past year that most inspired our readers and, accordingly, meant the most to us.
In 2015, we were — and continue to be — concerned with the injustices facing women and minorities in the United States and all over the world. We’re so proud to be women, and so proud of the achievements and successes of this year. Just look at the success of the U.S. women’s soccer team, or the amazing same-sex couples who finally get to make their marriages official in every state. At the same time, that we’re still explaining just why our reproductive health is so important to us, and that women of color still wake up feeling less safe than other Americans really pisses us off. The successes of this year shouldn't distract anyone from the work still being done.
Join us for a look back on 2015.

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