Tired of stressing and obsessing? Turn your solo missions into tag-team ventures and watch how easy everything becomes. On Thursday, the sun wraps its monthlong tour of finicky Virgo and moves to Libra — the sign of peace, love, harmony, and partnership — until October 22. Twosomes of all varieties will thrive: business, pleasure, and creative collaborations. When casting for the role of your “other half,” don't just go for the easy fit. Opposites attract during this solar-powered month.
Existing relationships will also mend, thanks to the cooperative influence of Libra season. But that's not the only reason: Thursday also marks the end of a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde that began on August 30. Mixed messages and miscommunications have run rampant since then — oh, the regrets! If you spoke in haste or anger, start making amends. P.S.: This could take a minute, depending on how badly the bridge was burned. Don't give up if you know the friendship is worth it.
The seductive vibes are simmering starting Friday, when Venus slinks into Scorpio until October 18.
Keep that privacy policy in place! Secretive Scorpio wants love to be an undercover affair, not a steady stream of Snapchat stories. Bring on the lingerie-inspired fashion, black leather jackets, and punk-rock accents. "Sexy badass with a hint of goth" is how stylish Venus in Scorpio likes to see us roll.