We Wish We Had Been Invited Along On Ben Higgins & Lauren Bushnell’s First Vacation Together

Photo: Brent N. Clarke/Getty Images.
Being a contestant on The Bachelor or Bachelorette is kind of a gamble. You have to deal with a whole lot of drama and there's a pretty slim chance that you'll actually end up falling in love. But if you do make it to the end, get proposed to, and make it a few months in the real world without breaking up, you might just get an epic vacation that could make the whole journey worth it. Oh, that's assuming you need something to sweeten the deal of finding your true love and becoming famous.
The payoff has been pretty big for Ben Higgins and his now-fiancée, Lauren Bushnell, of Bachelor season 20. They've made it about eight months post-season finale, which in The Bachelor universe is quite an accomplishment — and they even have their own reality show. On top of all that great stuff (the love, engagement, fame, and TV show), they just went on their first vacation together and it looked like a whole lot of fun.
The couple jetted off to beautiful Turks and Caicos for a few days and stayed at the Gansevoort Hotel and Resort on Grace Bay Beach. They documented their vacay on Instagram, so we take the journey with them, just as we have done throughout their entire courtship. Join them on the journey, ahead.

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