We’ll Miss Michelle Obama Terribly — Here Are 20 Reasons Why

Michelle Obama is leaving the White House soon and it's breaking our hearts.
Honestly, who could have foreseen what a phenomenon FLOTUS would become? But here we are, eight years later, and people are obsessed with everything from her fashion choices and her humor to the possibility of her running for president in 2020.
During her time as first lady, Obama has symbolized hope and progress for girls and women around the country, especially for Black women and other women of color. Her honesty about her own insecurities, hopes, and dreams has been refreshing, and her relationship with the president is the definition of #relationshipgoals.
She seems relatable, down-to-earth, just human. So it's no surprise that so many Americans are going to miss her once she steps down in two weeks.
This is why we rounded up our favorite FLOTUS moments and all the reasons why we will miss her when she leaves the White House. Click through and share your favorite memory of the first lady in the comments below!

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