The Very Best Of Celebrity Mannequin Challenges

Turns out, celebrities love the Mannequin Challenge as much as the rest of us. The viral trend that shows people doing what mannequins do, often to "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd, is likely filling up your feed as you read this. But, really, who doesn't like seeing people stand as still as they possibly can?
The challenge is mesmerizing. How can you not get caught up in trying to see who blinks or fidgets? And while all of these are certainly fun, some are better than others. Sorry, it's just true. Standing very, very still is all fine and good, but creativity is key here.
That's why we've weeded out the best of the celebrity Mannequin Challenges so you don't have to. From Blac Chyna to Hillary Clinton, here are the stars that are making this challenge look good.


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