These Are The Health Issues People Asked About Most In 2016

2016 was a year full of medical breakthroughs, trends, and crises. But amid all the health-related headlines, a few issues stood out as particularly important — at least to people searching symptoms on WebMD.
The health information site analyzed its searches over the past year to determine which topics its users asked about more than they have in the past. Since 72 million people visit WebMD every month, its data paints a pretty good picture of what people around the world are curious about when it comes to their health.
These aren't the terms people searched most overall, however, Time reports. Flu and cold symptoms, diabetes, and high blood pressure have that honor every year. (It's probably not the wisest idea, though, to diagnose yourself this way.) Instead, these terms and topics are the ones that saw an enormous spike in 2016.
From cupping to Zika, here are the new health topics people were talking about most this year.

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