“What Is…” We Answer Your Top 10 Googled Questions — In 10 Words Or Less

It's been a wild, crazy, and confusing year.
From our history-making (and defying) election to the "Brexit" vote to leave the European Union, there's been no shortage of major world developments to track. And sometimes, even keeping tabs on the basics of what's going on — and why — is exhausting.
Enter Google, one of our go-to sources for answering those questions we have about the convoluted state of current affairs. Many of us found ourselves relying on that search box time and time again for answers to queries old (How does our election system work again?) and new (What's the deal with that new viral trend?).
As 2016 winds down, the search engine giant has released its list of the 10 most googled "What is…" questions from the past year.
To save you another search, we're answering all 10 for you today. In 10 words or less. That way you'll have easily digestible, tweetable, and (hopefully) memorable explanations to return to the next time you encounter one of these issues in the news.
It shouldn't come as a shock that most of the questions involved the biggest news event of the year: the presidential election. Bookmark those for the 2020 campaign, which is sure to start gearing up sooner than you think. But the No. 1 question might surprise you. Check out the full list ahead.

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