Raise your hand if you need a break from warmongering autocrats and fear-inducing headlines. Ever since January 28, celestial soldier Mars has been stormtrooping through combative Aries, raising the collective blood pressure of the world. (Is it any coincidence that January 28 is also the day Trump tried to push through his Muslim-banning executive order? These astrologers thinketh not). Mars' biennial visit to the Ram's realm has lived up to its forceful reputation. And we are so over it! Thankfully, this Thursday, March 9, the red planet floats into calmer waters, dropping anchor in Taurus until April 21. While Mars in Taurus can bring some raging bull moments, this phase is far more peaceful and grounded. Taurus is also the sign that rules ethics, bringing a fierce retribution for the "alternative facts" and shady business that Mars in Aries swept under the rug.
Speaking of ethics, Sunday's full moon in Virgo brings another finger wag from the stars. Integrity, honesty, and a deep sense of service are what this lunation is all about. Look within: Are you playing fair or cutting corners? Grabbing more than your share of the pie while others around you struggle? This full moon reminds us that no one really wins unless everyone is taken care of. Practice random acts of kindness and follow the words of departed Virgo Mother Teresa who said, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."