13 Relationship Tips From Real Moms That Actually Hold Up

Photographed by Winnie Au.
Now that you're grown, you've probably learned that your mom's ceaseless nagging about your love life was just advice in disguise. This realization that your mom actually does know what she's talking about can be almost as terrifying as noticing that you're turning into your mom.
Some moms spout such poetic relationship advice that you could embroider it on a pillow. Other moms lead by example. And most moms low-key drop the best nuggets of wisdom when you're not paying attention — on purpose. Moms love knowing that they were right, but we often don't take the time to thank them or tell them that. So, we asked the R29 community to share the best relationship advice their mom ever gave them that still holds up today.
If you haven't already gotten her a gift for Mother's Day, you can just post this link on her Facebook wall and prepare for all her mom-friends to gush about how great her kid is. It's the perfect last-minute, homemade, totally free Mother's Day gift. We can hear her gloating already.

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