It's Hard To Find Kids' Books Without Moms — Here Are 10 Great Ones

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Mother’s Day can be a tough time for children growing up without a mom. But kids should know their family is worth celebrating — this weekend and any time — no matter who is in it.
Children begin to understand the world and their place in it by reading books. When they see their image and that of their family represented on the page, it not only shows them they are not alone, but that they are important enough to be reflected in a book. The following 10 titles celebrate the dads, grandparents, aunts, and communities who aren't being honored, specifically, this Mother's Day, but deserve to be shown in the stories our children read nonetheless.
Kaya Thomas is a college student and founder of We Read Too, an app that showcases children’s and young adult books written by and featuring people of color. It is available in the iTunes App Store.

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