Why These Interracial Couples Are Celebrating #LovingDay

Photographed By Megan Madden.
It's hard to believe that interracial marriage was legalized only 50 years ago. But not too long ago, interracial relationships were largely forbidden — that is, until the Loving v. Virginia case in 1967, the landmark ruling that lifted anti-miscegenation laws and made it possible for interracial couples to marry. During that case, the Supreme Court ruled that state bans on interracial marriage were unconstitutional.
Monday marks the anniversary of the historic case, in which Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple from Virginia, successfully sued for the right to marry in their home state. Before then, interracial marriage was deemed a felony in several states, and, in the Lovings' case, one that could see couples separated and/or jailed. Though it may be unimaginable to us that this right was ever in question, the Lovings changed the course of history — and paved the way for interracial relationships to become as common as they are now.
Just last year, the Lovings were the subject of a critically acclaimed film named after them, which depicted their relationship and how they came to find help from the ACLU to sue for the right to marry each other.
Of course, while we've come a long way from those anti-miscegenation laws, that doesn't mean that interracial couples are without their fair share of struggles — but the Lovings give us reason to celebrate, nonetheless.
Today, interracial couples all over the world took to social media to celebrate #LovingDay by sharing photos of themselves with their significant others, or by sharing photos of their parents, and families that might not be possible without the Lovings' fight.
Ahead, 10 people celebrate #LovingDay on social media.
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