Freedom Is Ringing: 29 Photographers Show Us The REAL America

In 2017, the American dream no longer looks as it once did. Fundamental values like free speech and freedom of religion have been called into question. Being a woman or a person of color — or God forbid, a woman of color — has become a liability. 2017 has also raised very serious questions about the fabric of American society. Can we overcome the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our culture? Will we welcome new immigrants with open arms? Will Christians and Jews march in support of Muslims? What kind of systemic reform has to happen for women to be truly equal?
These questions are more important that ever before. That's why Refinery29 asked some of our favorite photographers to share an image that embodies the way they see our country today. Some of their responses are hopeful. Some are like a punch to the gut. Some of them are defiant. But, they all reflect the reality of America in 2017 through a unique point of view. And for that reason alone, we promise that once you click in, you won't be able to look away.

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