The Stylish, Millennial Pink Weed Pipes You Didn't Know You Needed

Photo: Courtesy of Yew Yew.
If you type "marijuana pipe" into the search box of Google images you'll see photo after photo of pipes that look almost exactly alike. Most of them are glass, bright or neon colors, sometimes tie-dye, and they all look like something you'd see sitting on the coffee table in a stoner movie.
Well, Jenny Wichman was sick of it. The New York City prop designer would stare at her own dirty, glass weed pipe and wish for something prettier and more elegant. Something she wouldn't have to hide when company came over. So, she made them herself.
Enter Yew Yew, Wichman's new shop, where she sells stylish, pretty weed pipes smokers "can proudly display on their coffee tables," she tells Refinery29. The best part? They come in millennial pink.
"There is definitely a lack of options out there for simple and feminine smoking objects," Wichman says. "Yew Yew is heavily influenced by art and fashion, which I think is really lacking in the cannabis industry."
Her mission is clear in the company's tagline: "Smoking, simplified," and Wichman says she hopes by changing the appearance of weed pipes she also changes the image of people who smoke.
"I want Yew Yew to help destigmatize the cannabis industry," she says. "We are not lazy stoners with tie-dyed posters and patchouli everywhere. A lot of us are motivated people (and women!) who are starting businesses and getting shit done."
You can get your own Yew Yew pipe on the company's website for $68. Though the millennial pink is clearly our fave, they also come in white and baby blue. Look ahead to find the perfect pipe for you.
Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws.

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