It's the last week of December, and hopefully that means you have your OOO auto-reply on and are currently sunk into your couch, burritoed in a fuzzy blanket with no plans of moving. This universal lull is about the time the antsy Type A inside of us all itches to start goal-setting for 2019, but before you start spending all your Visa gift cards on notebooks, try taking a moment to reflect on the year that's quickly coming to a close.
That reflection doesn't have to be a headache, trying to parse out your top-10 takeaways (though that might be cathartic, too). Instead, think back on the big moments that pushed culture forward this year, and consider how those positive strides — in widespread inclusivity, humanitarianism, and representation — bled into your own life. Because if you donated to the California relief efforts in the wake of the devastating wildfires, or are currently wearing a foundation that has more than 40 shade offerings, it means you felt the ripple effects, too.
Ahead, we've broken down the 12 biggest, most groundbreaking beauty moments that went down over the past twelve months. They'll bring on the good vibes, and might even help kickstart your own resolutions — but only after you've settled on the perfect monthly planner, of course.