Freshman Members Of Congress Told Us What They Want To Accomplish

Photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call.
The new Democratic House majority has an ambitious agenda, which started with a sweeping anti-corruption proposal and is aimed at protecting voting rights, fixing infrastructure, passing a universal-background checks bill, and taking action on climate change.
With a Republican-controlled Senate and Trump in the White House, it's realistically unlikely for many of these bills to become law. But this is a chance for Democrats to flex their legislative muscle, make their priorities clear, and show that they're not here to play ahead of 2020. Plus, there are at least a couple of areas where the two major parties agree: improving infrastructure and lowering prescription-drug prices. Whether they'll agree on how to get these things done remains to be seen.
We spoke with several freshman members of Congress about their legislative priorities as part of Rep. Maxine Waters' Millennial Media Row event. Ahead, what they want to accomplish, in their own words.

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