Here Are The Best Books To Give For Mother’s Day This Year

Mother's Day is looming ever larger, which means most of us are scrambling to figure out something to get our mothers; you know, that one special thing that will make up for the fact that — unless we live with them — we will probably not get to see them any time soon. May I suggest that the perfect gift for your mother or mother-figure might just be a book? Not just any book, of course, but one that signifies to your mother that even if you can't really understand all that she did for you as you grew up, you still appreciate it, and you value her completely.
The following books say all those things — and more. They not only present motherhood in all its complex glory, but also childhood, offering different perspectives on all the many ways there are to be a mother and a child. They're the perfect gift for Mother's Day, and not a bad present to give yourself as well — because, hey, maybe you and your mom can read one together, and form a book club of two.

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