Who she is: Jordan
Where we spotted her: Wicker Park
Why we love her: Unafraid to stack on the layers, Jordan stepped out in two... three... four times the cozy warmth. Matching a chunky crewcut sweater with a classic denim jacket and two (not one) vest in the mix, her styling makes for a perfectly piled-on look that does not go overboard on the volume. We think that the trick is in her choice of super-slim bottoms, from which we can ever-so-slightly peek a bit of leopard belt. Layering done right, don't you agree? Share your own tricks below!
Where we spotted her: Wicker Park
Why we love her: Unafraid to stack on the layers, Jordan stepped out in two... three... four times the cozy warmth. Matching a chunky crewcut sweater with a classic denim jacket and two (not one) vest in the mix, her styling makes for a perfectly piled-on look that does not go overboard on the volume. We think that the trick is in her choice of super-slim bottoms, from which we can ever-so-slightly peek a bit of leopard belt. Layering done right, don't you agree? Share your own tricks below!