If you've ever glanced at our street style photos thinking "I could do that!", now is so your chance. Don't worry about trolling the streets on the off-chance one of our rad street style photogs is in the area. Let's just cut to the chase. We want you (and your most stylish friends) to attend one of our open-call street style photo shoots for a chance to get your pic in an upcoming story about how Chicago stays stylish in winter. Read below for the shoot details, then start outfit planning. We need you!
Shoot #1
Date: Thursday, January 12
Meeting place: Starbucks at 932 North Rush Street in the Gold Coast.
Time: 9:30am to 12 p.m.
Shoot #2
Date: Sunday, January 15
Meeting place: Wicker Park, at the fountain.
Time: 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
We will be shooting with street style guru Amy Creyer, whose work has graced the pages of Refinery29 Chicago for the last year. Wear your very best and remember: We're shooting outside, so dress warm! Oh, and if you're more interested in shooting than being shot—we've got a job for you, too.
Photographed by Alyssa Follansbee