Who she is: Eryn, a recent transfer to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
from Parsons, and she's majoring in Interior Architecture.
Where we spotted her: On State Street in the Loop buying materials for class at
Why we love her: Sometimes to catch a great street style photo, you just have to stand in between
a Downtown college campus and an art supply store. And that’s exactly where we
caught our stylish friend Eryn here. She’s a recent transfer from Parsons in New
York, but we’re glad she’s decided to grace her fashionable presence at the
School of the Art Institute in Chicago. We love how effortlessly she paired her maroon LF
jeans with an otherwise all black ensemble, defying the stereotype
that all art students only wear black. We’re super jealous that we can’t purchase
the jacket that she bought in Williamsburg, but luckily for her there will be few
artists on State Street looking the same.