1723 North Halsted Street (at Willow Street), 312-867-0110.
Tell me a little bit about your relationship with Phillip Preston who creates your equipment for you.
"We have been collaborating with Phillip since six months before we opened Alinea. He's an amazing person... analytical, a capable engineer, and a great imagination. We found his laboratory temperature equipment and thought it would be perfectly suited for sous vide cooking. We then mentioned some other ideas, and within a week or two he'd have a prototype to show us. Now he's constructed an entire line of kitchen technology."
What is the most complicated dish you make and why?
"Complexity can take the form of technique or sheer number of steps. Very simple looking dishes can be quite complex. Lamb 86. Lamb prepared 4 ways, plus every garnish that tastes great with lamb." Editors note: check out this amazing YouTube video of this incredible dish being prepared!
What is the inspiration behind your menu?
"Everything — a song, a tree on the forest floor, breaking glass..."
Any diner pet peeves?
"Fake allergies. If you don't like something, just say so. Don't say you're allergic to it."

Hot Potato Cold Potato — Serves 8
A signature Alinea dish broken down in a way that you can enjoy at home too—no fancy equipment required!
For the Potato Soup
3 Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled, medium dice
2 cups black truffle juice
4 cups heavy cream
3 tbsp. of salt
2 Yukon Gold potatoes
1/2 lb. butter
3 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. salt
4 oz. Parmesan cheese broken into small pieces
2 oz. butter cut into 1/8” cubes
4 chives cut into 1” lengths
1 black truffle sliced into 8 slices

To Make The Potato Soup
Combine all ingredients in a medium pot. Bring to simmer, and simmer over medium heat until potatoes are tender. Puree ingredients in a blender until smooth and strain through a fine chinois. Season to taste, and chill until very cold.
To Make The Garnishes
Scoop the potatoes with a melon baller. Cook the potatoes in the remaining ingredients until tender.

Pour 2 oz. chilled soup into the bowl. Skewer the parmesan, chive, and butter onto a metal toothpick. While the potato ball is still hot, skewer it on the toothpick, as well. Serve immediately.
Photo: Courtesy of Alineaphile

2039 West North Avenue (at Hoyne Avenue), 773-661-1540.
What's a typical day like for you guys?
"Our morning begins with a coffee together, looking at what we need and want to accomplish while sitting at table 10 in the dining room. The day is done when we are drinking a glass of Eric Bordelet Granit (beautiful pear cider from 300-year-old trees). It tastes like fall and air from an open field."
What are the most widely ingredients used and how much do you go through on a weekly basis?
"Pekin ducks (400 pounds), and right now tomatoes — 250 pounds a week. These would be followed by black sesame and black olives, roughly 10 pounds of each."
What's your buying process like for ingredients? Do you ever go yourselves?
"Every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sundays when needed, we go to the Green City Market and the Wicker Park farmers' market to buy vegetables in person. We see what's available, talk to the farmers on what's coming into season, and how long it will be around. Every Tuesday and Thursday, those farmers deliver more vegetables. We receive our Pekin duck delivery on Thursday night and our herb and lettuces come in Friday morning both from different farms. So, both seasonally and almost daily we are purchasing fresh ingredients."
Any diner pet peeves?
"Just diners that aren't honest with their experience. Trenchermen wants every customer to be happy walking in and even happier leaving. It's just hard to read every customer. We want to hear what's good and definitely what's bad. If they had enough food or if they had enough to drink. We can't care or fix the problem If we don't know the problem."

Kale Salad — Serves 6
A perfect fall salad, from the Trencherman kitchen, to yours.
Marinated Kale
1 bunch of Tuscan kale
4 oz. olive oil
2 oz. white wine vinegar
salt to taste
115 grams edamame
115 grams tofu water
90 grams water
5 grams chives
18 grams grapeseed oil
salt to taste

Kale Chips
8 oz. kale
32 oz. mild flavored oil
Escebeche Vegetables
2 cups white vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 tsp. coriander
1 tsp. fennel
1/2 tsp. mustard seed
1/2 dried chile
5 baby carrots
8 bay turnips
4 stalks celery
4 cippolini onions

Edamame Puree
100 grams frozen edamame
100 grams water
salt to taste
Carrot Quinoa Bread
400 grams all purpose flour — fava blend from Bob's Red Mill for a gluten free option
100 grams light brown sugar
1.25 grams baking soda
215 grams cooked quinoa (rinse before cooking)
3 eggs
150 grams mild oil
225 grams Finely Shredded Carrots
6 grams Salt

1633 North Halsted Street (between North Avenue and Concord Place), 312-867-3888.
What goes into the prep work before an evening of dinner service? How much (and of what) is made in advance?
"We make all items in-house at Balena, so there is a fairly intensive prep schedule in the morning — from pasta making to butchering whole animals. We cook all items to order during service, so the prep is literallly just raw product ready to be cooked for the diners."
What is the most exotic ingredient you use and where is it sourced?
"Right now the most exotic ingredient we have at the restaurant is black garlic which is a fermented product from southeast asia."
What is the most widely ingredient used and how much do you go through on a weekly basis?
"I have to say that flour in various forms is the most used ingredient at Balena. Most of our menu revolves around flour and water! Off hand I believe we go through around 600 to 650 pounds per week."
Any diner pet peeves?
"There are always things that will annoy a chef, but in the end we are here for the guests. It's my duty to ensure they have a great experience no matter what."

Farm Egg Tajarin— Serves 5
Yes you can make homemade pasta at home — and the sauce is absolutely effortless.
1 kilo flour
35 to 40 egg yolks
1 Tbl. kosher salt
12 sage leaves
4 Tbl. butter
1 lemon for juicing
Dante cheese for shaving

Add the kosher salt to the flour and create a well on a sturdy table. Place 35 yolks in the center and begin to incorporate the flour slowly. Once the flour is incorporated into the yolks knead the dough for ten minutes until it has a velvety consistency. If its extra dry, use more yolks to make the dough come together. If it happens to be damp, use less yolks and more flour. Once the dough is formed, wrap it in plastic wrap and let is rest in the refrigerator for an hour.
When you are ready to roll the noodles, lightly dust the table with flour and begin to roll the ball into sheets.
Roll the dough out to a width that will fit through the largest setting on your pasta roller. We roll ours to about 1.5mm thickness and then hand cut the noodles to the same width. That is close to the number 2 setting on a pasta roller. Be sure to roll it through twice on the last setting. Dust the noodles with a little semolina and hang to dry for a half hour.

Boil well salted water and cook the noodles for no longer than 45 seconds at a boil. In a large sauté pan, brown the butter with the sage leaves to marry the flavors. Remove the pasta from the water allowing a few ounces of pasta water to land in the pan with the pasta.

Finishing Touches