Simply Superb Gifts That Won’t Drain Your Entire Student Budget

Holiday shopping can be fun, but finding a gift that triggers that fuzzy, generous feeling can be tough on a student's budget. Not to mention the fact that you're also studying for finals and working the holiday-party circuit, and it doesn't help that you suddenly have about three times the amount of people to shop for than ever before. Between family and friends — new and old — teachers, bosses, and coworkers, it can seem like you have the gift list that rivals Santa's.
Time to stop panicking and check out our seasonal selects for all the wonderful people in your life. Your favorite aunt? A tea-infuser mug. Your kinda clumsy roommate? An extra-cute cell phone case. And the best part: With every present cashing in at less than $20, you won't be wiped out financially come 2013.

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