5 Apps That Will Get You To The Gym

Refinery29 is participating in First Lady Michelle Obama's #GimmeFive challenge. To learn more, click here.

It’s been three months, and the shine, promise, and hope for a fitter new year is waning — if not completely evaporated. You’ve still got your gym membership, but ugh, it’s just such a chore to drag yourself down there. (This Game of Thrones marathon isn’t going to watch itself!) If you really do want to hit the gym more regularly, but you just need a kick in the pants to get there, there’s help. We’ve rounded up five apps designed to motivate you to get your workout started — because, let’s face it, once you’ve got your spandex on and you’re out the door, you’re going to work up a sweat. It’s just, you know, the getting-into-the-spandex part.
As part of Michelle Obama’s #GimmeFive challenge, we present you with five different smartphone options to push, prod, and inspire you to get up and get moving. You’ll feel better for it afterwards (exercise is shown to boost your mood and lower depression), and your body will thank you for your efforts in the months and years ahead. So, grab your phone, download one (or all) of these fitness-motivating apps, and go work up a sweat.


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