There are so many reasons to love Anna Kendrick. You could be into small, independent movies that delve into our contemporary relationship dilemmas. You could be a Twi-hard. Or an a cappella geek. Or a Broadway fanatic. Or just really find her tweets about masturbating to Ryan Gosling hilarious. For a young star with not a ton of movies under her belt, she really has found a way to broaden her base.
Musical theater fans know that Kendrick earned a Tony nomination at age 12, and she's been showing off her singing roots lately with her turn in Into the Woods and this month's The Last 5 Years. In the latter, she stars as a struggling actress looking back at her relationship with a novelist.
In between watching her new musical and waiting for her return in Pitch Perfect 2 this May, we highly recommend holding your own little Anna Kendrick binge-fest at home. Here's a handy guide to 10 of her best far.