Taking The Newest At-Home Peels For A Test-Drive

When it comes to making your skin look amazing and solving what ails you — from breakouts to dullness — you can't beat chemical peels. They work by dissolving pore-clogging buildup, initiating a healing response in your skin cells.
Because of their hardcore nature, partaking in the complexion refreshers used to require a dermatologist visit. But, thanks to new technology and ingredients, there's been a recent influx of peels that get the job done at home (safely!).
And, while in-office treatments tend to be more intense — causing redness that could last a few days — the at-home products are gentler due to their lower concentrations of active ingredients (which makes sense, considering you don't need to be a pro to apply them). But, do they work as well?
To find out, three members of our beauty team generously volunteered their faces. Ahead, we share their experiences and recommendations — so that we can all peel smarter, not harder.

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