Unlike a haircut or a fresh color application, a blow-dry style doesn't have a long-lasting result. Even so, nothing beats having gorgeous tresses for a night out on the town — especially considering how much work it takes to achieve the same result on our own.
But you need not dole out $65-plus for a killer mane. Chicago's latest blow-dry bar has a prestigious Oak Street address with prices that don't match. It's called Blow-By-Blow, and we were definitely blown away. For just $35, you can choose from six different "looks," such as the Leading Lady (straight with volume), the Femme Fatale (sexy beach waves), or the Scene Stealer — soft curls abound. Sensing the movie theme? Large flat screens project chick flicks like Bridesmaids while you relax and sip complimentary bubbly or vino — you read that right. Cheers!
The space itself is bright and cheery — a reflection of the staff that works here. The small-yet-well-appointed (coffee, tea, water, mags) waiting area has large windows overlooking the energy of Oak Street below. Perhaps the most important aspect we should mention is that you're not rushed in and out. The stylists take their time, and it shows in the results. With a little dry shamp, you just might be able to rock out that BDS for an extra day or two. Don't worry. We won't tell a soul.
Blow-By-Blow, 67 East Oak Street (between Michigan and Rush Street); 312-867-0332.
Photo: Courtesy of Blow-By-Blow