We were truly saddened to hear that local boutique Bonnie&Clyde’s could no longer operate out of its Division Street storefront due to structural damage, and we were hoping for a valiant return somewhere else. What we got instead, was this: The store has popped up in a secret location. How secret? It's you-better-lawyer-up secret. Bonnie&Clyde’s VIP shoppers can still shop the boutique's high-end, pretty amazing brands, but by invitation only. If you're not VIP? Sorry, sugar.
Once invited to this hush-hush location (do they have a car pick them up and blindfold them, or what?), shoppers are led down a hidden hallway to a secret entrance where they can shop for all the Bonnie&Clyde’s goodies they love. But before any of this can happen, they have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. You're not seeing things, shoppers really do have to sign a nondisclosure agreement to shop at Bonnie&Clyde’s. We don't know what the NDA says, but we're guessing it's going to bind you to secrecy about the store's locale. We're stunned into...erm...silence, but far be it from us to keep you and your thoughts from our comments section. What do you think about the boutique's covert policy? Would you shop there, or would you rather feed your need for fashion without signing on the dotted line? (Racked Chicago)

Photo: Via Racked Chicago