15 Photos Too British For Their Own Good

We know three truths* about British culture.
1. Tea time is important (though not as important as manners).
2. The Royal Family is everything.
A fourth (and largely unspoken) truth is that British celebrities are sometimes just so British that it's painful.
For example, picture the American version of what we're talking about: Matthew McConaughey wearing a stars-and-stripes T-shirt and listening to Blake Shelton while drinking a can of Bud as F-16 fighter jets fly overhead in perfect formation.
Alright, alright, alright? No. Not so much. But, the Brits do this kind of thing, too.
With that in mind, ahead are 15 photos too British for their own good.
*Said truths are stereotypes rooted in the cultural popularization of something a British person did one time.

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