Chicago’s Newest (And Most Genius) Social Networking App Launches Today!

Just when you think you've got your social networking plan worked out, something like Loopt comes along and turns your world sideways—in a good way. Loopt, the new social-networking app that lets you find reviews, friends, and deals literally all around you, launches today in Chicago. Lets say you're on Clark Street and need a yummy place to grab lunch. Loopt will show you reviews from friends and other Chicagoans all within the vicinity of where you're standing right now. Even better, Loopt will show you which of your friends are hangin' nearby, so you can scoop them up and take them to lunch with you! The video, below, helps explain how Loopt works, and anything that provides education while also showing off nail art totally intrigues for us. Sign up for Loopt and let us know what you think!
Video courtesy of Loopt.

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